What should be the next addition to my Death Guard

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Highlighted Helldrake

Good Morning/Night People
Just thought I'd post some picture of my repainted Helldrake. Well Highlighted. I would be fair to say I am very proud of it.

Thanks up next playing with the new special effects paints

Typhus Finished

Good Morning/Night People
Just thought I'd post some picture of my repainted and remodelled Typhus. I would be fair to say I am very proud of him.

Thanks up next my highlighted helldrake

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

I Call It Tactics: Defiler

So here are the rules.

The defiler is close combat unit. It is not worth its point if you field it any other way. It has a battle cannon so it can defend it self from people with meltas and krak grenades. It is a good piece if it is used correctly and by that I mean 3 power fists and a scrouge. Its best use is running from cover to cover until it gets within charge range of than fire the battle cannon into their face. Simply charge them. Obviously your targets should be monstrous creatures (Wraithknights), vehicles (land raiders) or fortifications (Firestorm Redoubts). I find that the defiler works best in a team with a hellbrute with a power fist and scrouge to get the best of the Fail special rule. The defiler is 12,12,10 5++ not what you call a competitive stat line but the power scrouge can keep you alive to those pesky monstrous creatures and Power Fist/Thunder Hammer terminators. The power scrouge has the flail special rule

 I find that the defiler works best in a team with a hellbrute with a power fist and scrouge to get the best of the Fail special rule. The defiler is 12,12,10 5++ not what you call a competitive stat line but the power scrouge can keep you alive to those pesky monstrous creatures and Power Fist/Thunder Hammer terminators Now think of this you beat the shit out of a land raider 5 power fist terminators jump out, they cannot charge you till next so you charge them. usually they would get 2 attacks each so 10 attacks hitting you on 3s and penning on 5s but withe the flail rule that unit is now at WS 1 due to 2 lots of flail weapons. together you and the hell brute have 11 attacks so you go first and hit 7 times, causing 6 wounds, this means you have a 24% chance of killing the 4/5 and a 20% of Killing them all. That sounds like good odds to me. So all in all I like the defiler but it is best used with a hell-brute or other dreadnought. Thats all for now. Bye :-)

Monday, 18 November 2013

Fire Raptor Gunship

Hello everyone, My beautiful fire raptor has arrived and I spent my weekend cleaning and building it, so take a look
That's all for now but I will be filming how I paint this bad boy and will post a link here when I do.
Sneak peak: typhus had a make over

Monday, 11 November 2013


I finished my held rake this week. so here it is.

I also ordered my Fire Raptor Gunship
and I will film the entire building and painting progress.
Thanks for looking bye

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


hello people
Just wanted to share My finished bellbrute.

Thanks for looking, leave a comment!

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Land Raider & sorcerer

Hello Everyone,
Sorry for the wait . I had a lot on my plate but I managed to finish my land raider and almost finish my nurgle Sorcerer/Chaos Lord with the murder sword.

The Sorcerer Needs more fine details but thats enough for now. Bye

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Plague Marines

Just some plague marines I spent Saturday night working on
My Plague marines

There Plague champ

Close Combat Modeled one, even though there is no codex option for it i like they idea of nurgle's gifts being manifest.


Just messed with the texture

Haha that guy is my first fat chosen model. through he's still a plague marine

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Typhus and Friends

Hello Everyone this time I will be going to to detail with my terminator squad Featuring Typhus.

First up the Squads heavy weapon. A heavy flamer. This is from the dark angel side of dark vengeance with a space wolves flamer.

Probably the main attraction of this model is the bulky growth from his back proudly marked with the symbol of the Death Guard

My Typhus, I'm not sure what I think about him. There seem to me to be too many colours.
Please leave a comment with what you think


Here we have the squad icon bearer He doesn't look great from the front but...

From the back, Awsome

When they entered the warp during the Horus heresy the death guard where afflicted by many different
Diseases, the most potent of these was the Destroyer Plague (AKA Typhus) But another contagion was the weapons virus morphing man and machine. The apothecaries if they can be called that have recently resorted to inducing this virus on marines with missing limbs forever binding them with there weapon.

Here we have another model I'm not sure I like.  I am working on how to do tentacles so if you have any tips leave a comment.

Thanks, keep watching